Correggio, Italy

Correggio, Italy


Located in Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, Correggio is the land of Lambrusco, aged balsamic vinegar and parmesan cheese. The porticoed streets and the evocative views reveal the historical role of the town. Worth seeing is the well-preserved town center.

The Small List

Best Restaurant

Osteria del FilossoThe kitchen at Osteria del Filosso has a desire to preserve yesterday’s culture while looking to the future. The restaurant is a welcoming place to spend a few hours and rediscover the flavors of tradition with a pinch of evolution. Filosso is a place where each dish is not just a meal but an opportunity to live an experience.

Best Winery

Lini910 – Founded in 1910, the Lini Winery is a family business in its fourth generation. They are proud and committed to present its new generation of Lambrusco to the world. The Lini Winery has distinguished itself with its wide range of Lambrusco and its years of hard work and research. Much has changed in the wine world over the last 100 years, especially for Lambrusco. Undeniably, Lini910 is in the forefront of its great comeback.

Best Parmesan

Caseificio S. Orsola di Pilati Riccardo – Offering excellent and genuine products from cheese to salami, this cheese shop is run by a family of passionate dairy farmers. Above all, it is a mouthwatering experience.