A Holiday Gift Guide For Those Seeking A Mental Boost

In a world where social media, competition, success, and ambition reign supreme, it’s no surprise that we as a society are more stressed out than ever before. Thankfully, there is an endless supply of ways to maintain your sanity and obtain peace of mind.

This holiday season, rather than buying the latest gadgets, the hottest technology, or another item of clothing that will surely fill up an already-cluttered closet, think about how you can help cultivate more peace within the lives of others, using these mind-boosting gift ideas.

Self-Care Journal

A journal enables one to express ideas and concerns in a healthy way. According to Psych Central, journaling provides a means to get to know yourself and provides clarity to your thoughts and feelings. Since the holiday season is a time of high stress, you can use writing as a tool to get over any anger, hurts, or fears that may be holding you back.

While some journals are illustrated with prompts, others encourage you to fill in the blanks for inspiration. Journalling also motivates mental focus and alleviates mood disorders. As you jot down positive moments in your life, you’ll be inspired to maintain a sense of calm by also focusing on the good things.

Online Guitar Lessons

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, playing music is a wonderful outlet which builds socialization skills, while enabling one to communicate more efficiently. Alternatively, listening to music has also been proven to boost mood and quell negative emotions.

Guitars are one of the most popular instruments, coming in a variety of types to produce various sounds. Take an online guitar lesson to help boost your mood and relax your mind. Some of the best online resources for beginners include discounted memberships as well as guitar rentals to help you start out.

Eye Pillows

Many people experience eye strain from being on a computer all day, watching TV, or while driving. Sluggishness and headaches induced by fatigue can be a result of eye strain. Eye pillows are the perfect solution, allowing you to reach full relaxation by stimulating the vagus nerve, responsible for heart rate and digestion.

Eye pillows work by gently enveloping the face for soothing tranquility. Additionally, the snug material helps those with sinus congestion to alleviate aches and pains, for a more restful night’s sleep.

Light Therapy

Inclement weather can put anyone’s mood in decline. However, if one is especially susceptible to debilitating Seasonal Affective Disorder this time of year, then light therapy may help.

Light therapy works by emitting illumination, copying the characteristics of natural light outdoors. Bright light is linked to affecting chemicals in the brain so that one feels a boost of happiness after each use. Light therapy can also help treat skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema.

The Gift of Massage

Massage heals a host of symptoms, both physical and emotional. Depending on one’s tolerance level, varying levels of massage can help increase blood circulation. It can also help to relax tissues and muscles within the body.

If one is feeling particularly strained, then massage also helps eradicate toxins within the body. Additionally, massage is particularly helpful for those who are coping with anxieties.

Show those you care about just how much they are loved by giving them these mood-boosting gifts. This holiday season, give the gift of self-care to create more joy and relaxation in someone’s life.

Henry Moore